Awakening The Illuminated Heart Workshops

(detailed description about the workshop at the bottom of this page)

I completed my Teacher training with Drunvalo Melchizedek's School Of Remembering in 2011. Since then I have passionately taught over 100 4-day Awakening The Illuminated Heart workshops well over 1000 people all over the West coast,  Hawaii and online. 

I offer workshops regularly online and occasionally in the Sedona Arizona area. I am willing to travel to nearby states to offer the workshop for your group.
I also offer 2 hour intro classes, half day refresher classes for former participants, and a "self study" pre-recorded version of the workshop, to go at your own pace and receive real time guidance.

If you have already attended the ATIH workshop with me or any other teacher, and would like a refresher in any part of the material, or meditations, or to ask questions, or receive instruction, or guided meditations at your own pace, you can set up a private phone or in person appointment with me.

the cost is $50 for the first 30 minutes and then $1 per minute after that. I would be delighted to talk with you. Message me to schedule.

You can read many testimonials from people who have already participated in the 4-day workshop with me HERE
and also at the bottom of the page HERE

For more info and for questions or discussion please contact Viola Rose:

Here is a recording of an introduction I offered about this workshop from October 2021.

and another from March 2024


"SELF STUDY" ATIH 4-day workshop:
ongoing, at your own pace. Prerecorded with real-time guidance from me. $333 MORE INFO HERE

2 hour intro to the Awakening The Illuminated Heart workshop.  Wednesday October 16th 2pm  (MST) $15

For former participants of the full 4 day Awakening the Illuminated Heart workshop. By donation. 
Saturday November 2nd, 10am-2pm (MST) 

Awakening The Illuminated Heart 4 day experience $377
January 10-13, 9:30am-4pm, Friday-Monday (PDT)

(Near Sedona Arizona in Cottonwood) $488
Awakening The Illuminated Heart 4-day experience 
February 14-17, 2025 9:30am-5pm, Friday-Monday

Awakening The Illuminated Heart 4 day experience $377
March 1-4 9:30am-4pm, Saturday-Tuesday (MST)

 creating reality from the unity of the heart instead of the duality of the mind

The difference between the old Merkaba meditation, and the new Heart based Merkaba

interview about myself and my role as an ATIH teacher

How to check if you have activated your Merkaba

here is a video interview series about the ATIH workshop from 2013

Many people are familiar with Drunvalo Melchizedek’s book and video series “The Ancient Secret Of The Flower of Life” which introduced many of us to sacred geometry, the Mer-Ka-Ba and the human energy field. Also the bestselling book “Living In The Heart” which was the basis for his Earth Sky and the early Living in the Heart workshops. 

This entirely new workshop, first introduced by Drunvalo in July 2011, “Awakening the Illuminated Heart” is the result of Drunvalo’s entire life’s understanding of the nature of human consciousness. His entire life’s work is represented here in this workshop. The teachings are ancient knowledge now translated into modern expressions and understandings. This is the simplest, easiest, most direct teaching on the subject of Ascension that Drunvalo has ever presented.
I feel it is a true masterpiece; some of the most profound and important work on the planet for these very times that we are now living in. 

Having studied and trained in depth with Drunvalo, I have the great honor of being a certified teacher of this wonderful work. With great respect for Drunvalo’s teachings, and with his permission and encouragement, I am deeply honored to offer the Awakening the illuminated heart workshop and have taught over 100 full 4-day workshops since 2012. 

During the workshop we will;
Discuss the history of humanity on earth over the past 13,000 years, before the time of Atlantis.
Invoke and apply the energy of your highest divine self. 
Heal emotional pain and trauma that can affect your ability to move into your heart. 
Experience the Sacred Space of the Heart, the brain relationships and the Beams of Light. 
The opening of the 3rd Eye and pineal while connected to the heart. 
Learn to take your consciousness from the polarity of the brain into the unity of the heart 
Activate the natural heart-based Mer-Ka-Ba. 
Learn to live from the tiny space of the heart. 
Gain a clear understanding of how to heal and create from the Tiny Space of the Heart, the place of Oneness, rather than from the duality of the mind, and more techniques to remember who you are and to live with true joy.
You will learn to connect your heart to your mind and open your 3rd eye, allowing your heart to see through your mind's eye in order to begin the Creation process from your heart which unlike the mind is a place of non-polarity, a place of oneness.

With this new information, the Mer-Ka-Ba is expanded beyond what the Flower of Life Facilitators were teaching to include the experience of the human heart and the opening of the 3rd Eye and, even more important, unifying the open third eye and the heart. the key to direct experience and creation. The Mer-Ka-Ba activates automatically and effortlessly and becomes permanent immediately, aligned with Mother Earth and her coming changes. When this workshop is completed, you will have the inner tools to truly begin the ascension process,

I will speak a little to my integrity as a facilitator, and my commitment to each workshop attendee:
*To hold an impeccably clean, clear and focused container for the workshop, where every attendee can relax and trust in me to TRULY hold the space, for everyone's benefit.
*That each attendee feels welcome, respected, safe and heard. 
*To keep us on track with the material and to offer the teachings in exactly the way Drunvalo presents and intends it.
*I will take the time to make sure everyone understands the information and meditations. You will have all your questions addressed and I will give you plenty of time to take thorough notes.
*I will be available afterward for your questions and further development. (and add you to a private Facebook group only for those who have taken the workshop with me as a place for dialog and community)

In other words, my strong devotion to this profound work will hold the container safely and sweetly. 
You can just relax and REALLY enjoy the experience.

4-day online workshops  $377
4-day in-person workshops $488
Self-Study online format $333
2-hour intro classes $15
half-day refresher gatherings - by donation

*Refer a friend who attends the same workshop with you, and you receive a $50 referral discount
*additional $50 discount for anyone who has taken this workshop previously with any teacher
*$100 discount for those who have taken the workshop previously with Viola.

Message me for more info.