
I am an affiliate for ZenCleanz and fully stand by their products as being the most potent, pure, high vibrational cleansing and detox products I know of.

ZenCleanz -deeply detoxing plant fermentations that have been developed by Buddhist Monks over thousands of years and are designed for health maintenance and healing

ZenCleanz's 3-year long super fermented enzymes have revolutionized the concept of detoxification, making it accessible to everyone. Traditionally, detox processes were often complicated, time-consuming, and required specialized knowledge or expensive treatments. However, the introduction of super fermented enzymes has democratized detox, breaking down barriers and offering a simple, effective solution for individuals from all walks of life.

These enzymes, produced through advanced fermentation techniques, are highly potent and capable of efficiently breaking down toxins and impurities within the body. Their natural, bioactive properties allow them to work harmoniously with the body’s own systems, enhancing detoxification processes without the need for extreme diets or harsh treatments.

With super fermented enzymes, detox is no longer an exclusive practice reserved for those with the means or expertise. Now, anyone can incorporate detox into their daily routine, reaping the benefits of a cleaner, healthier body. This accessibility has empowered individuals to take control of their health in a way that was previously out of reach.

Detox is truly for everyone now, thanks to the power and simplicity of super fermented enzymes.

Here is the ZenCleanz website with my referral link:
use my coupon code "VIOLAROSE" to get 5% of all orders

The ONE kit is the one day intestinal cleanse.
The FORGIVE kit is the one day liver and gallbladder cleanse.
The RAINBOW kit is the one week long kit that contains both the ONE and FORGIVE kit, plus a bunch of enzymes to extend the kit to a whole week. 
More info on each kit  below the video.
There are also kits for the blood, the lungs and the kidneys as well. plus a whole range of enzyme products to support daily detox.

Here is a video I made after a year and a half of using ZenCleanz showing reporting all the detox that had happened. truly life changing.

here is the first video I made reporting about my experience with ZenCleanz, including pictures of what came out of me. I was amazed.

ZenCleanz ONE (Intestinal Cleanse)

This  1-day colon & intestinal cleanse addresses the whole length of the digestive tract. It is made of a wide selection of enzymes to complete the digestion of all undigested material that stuck to your intestinal wall and many types of vegan fibers to sweep it all out!

Made by all-natural organic vegetables and fruits, this enzyme cleanse product is specially designed for small intestine decluttering and colon cleansing. The product can clear the toxins from the intestinal wall, remove the waste and reactivate its movement.

Get ZenCleanz ONE here

ZenCleanz FORGIVE (Liver &Gallbladder)

This 1-day liver cleanse focuses solely on the liver and gallbladder. The liver is a filter responsible for eliminating anything from within the body that doesn’t belong there.

Everything that reaches the bloodstream from the nutrients that pass through the small intestine lining, the air we breathe and everything that comes in touch with our skin passes through the liver, so t is imperative to cleanse it regularly.

Get ZenCleanz FORGIVE here

ZenCleanz 7 day RAINBOW KIT

 THE CATALYST that includes both kits above plus more!

The RAINBOW 7-Day Home Detox is designed to address the whole Gastro-Intestinal Tract, the Liver/Gallbladder and the blood. It will support you in your bi-annual cleansing periods or to kick-start a deep detox process if you haven’t before and feel a need to. It is a catalyst and a real step toward the healing of chronic issues! Its is also a great way to test many of the  ZenCleanz Enzyme products in one box and see the specific power of each one of them. Within a week with the RAINBOW you will look back and just won’t believe all the transformation that has been done. It will take you to a new physical and emotional space in only 7 days.

Get Rainbow Cleanz here


 Click here for a super informative brochure about the power of enzymes.

Here is a very short video with the owner of ZenCleanz showing the fermenting room where the enzymes are fermented for 3 years and have Buddhist mantras playing to them the whole time!!! AMAZING!

Here is the facebook group 

Here is the ZenCleanz YouTube Channel 
(lots of amazing and inspiring testimonials)

Here is the ZenCleanz website with my referral link:
and use "VIOLAROSE" to get 5% of all  orders